Ask the Expert: Can Water Cure My Headache?

Ask the Expert: Can Water Cure My Headache?

You’re stressed out and all that tension has led to a splitting headache. 

Or, maybe you’ve eaten something that’s triggered your headache.

young woman holding head headache

Could you have done anything to avoid that?  And how can you cure that headache now?  Our expert, Dr. Joshua Thurman, has this advice.  Make sure you’re drinking enough water: 

“Dehydration may cause headaches and trigger migraines in some patients. In these individuals replacing water and avoiding dehydration may make them feel better or prevent them from getting headaches.” 

Water Can Cure a Headache and Also Prevent Them

Drinking the water you need every day is a basic step to good health and you also want to make sure you’re eating the right foods, getting enough sleep, and exercising. If you are experiencing regular headaches, water may just be the cure - and a prescription for preventing future headaches.


Dr. Joshua Thurman, MD is a board-certified nephrologist and Professor of Medicine specializing in renal medical diseases and hypertension at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He received his medical degree from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine and his undergraduate degree from Harvard University. He has been in practice for more than 22 years.

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